(EXAMPLE) - You use this and water to wash your hands with. ...SOAP...

1 Men need these if they want to go swimming. (1) 

2 This man protects people from fires. (2) 

3 You use this to keep your neck warm. (3) 

4 Children in school go here to play.(4) 

5 This is where you go to cook something. (5) 

6 People use this to clean dirty dishes. (6) 

7 Turn this on if the room is cold. (7) 

8 People go here to catch fish. (8) 

9 This man puts criminals in jail. (9) 

10 Tired people lay on this to sleep. (10) 

  • scarf
  • radiator
  • kitchen
  • policeman
  • soap (EXAMPLE)
  • swimming trunks
  • bed
  • river
  • playground
  • dishwasher
  • fireman